Club Meeting – September 3, 2015

leapLEAP Presentation to Salem Rotary Club, September 3, 2015 By Richard Kennedy, PhD; CIA Economic Analyst, 1972-2003

Richard Kennedy, PhD presented to The Rotary Club of Salem a program outlining the virtues of the legalization of marijuana. Dr. Kennedy outlined various pros for legalization as he stated that marijuana prohibition is a horrible, albeit well-intentioned, mistake. Dr. Kennedy presented the case that it is far safer and less addictive than either alcohol or tobacco, and that prohibition is not helping to keep it away from kids. He also noted the huge racial disparity in the enforcement of marijuana laws, and its many medical uses–some proven, many others being researched. As an economist Dr. Kennedy noted the economic benefits (jobs and tax revenue) last because he regarded them as a fringe benefit. Dr. Kennedy has some links that may be helpful in providing more information as they are listed below.

note: The Rotary Club of Salem respects the position of it presenters and possesses a diverse program schedule and does not constitute endorsement, recommendation or favoring of any subject matter that is motivated by a speaker or materials that are presented. The programs are designed for the dissemination of information to members and guests alike as well for the general education of many different subjects.

Two medical marijuana organizations that are run by Virginians:

Patients Out Of Time, started by the former Navy nurse who taught at the UVA med school, and got the Virginia Nurses Association to endorse medical marijuana in 1994.

Veterans for Medical Cannabis Access, started by Air Force vet Michael Krawitz.

And here is a web site run by two Harvard med school professors that offers information (and CME credits for medical professionals) on a variety of subjects, including marijuana.

For a very thorough review of the medical uses, organized by disease:
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