The Rotary Club of Salem organizes and directs two major fundraisers – the Old Dominion Athletic Conference Basketball Tournament and Olde Salem Days.  In addition, funds are raised through the Club’s participation in events such as the Star B-Q and through donations by individual Club members.  Over the past 70 years, the proceeds from fundraising efforts have enabled the Rotary Club of Salem to donate more than $1 million to community service programs throughout the Roanoke Valley region and to international service projects worldwide.

Undetered by the pandemic our Club’s fundraising efforts enabled $16,000 in donations for the 2021-2022 Rotary year to a variety of charitable and community enhancement programs in our local community.

Community Grant recipients for Rotary year 2021 – 2022 included:

Adult Care Center
Carilion Clinic Foundation
Challenger Little League
Children’s Trust
Family Promise of Greater Roanoke
Feeding Southwest Virginia
Good Samaritan Hospice
Jill’s Buddy Camp
Knights of Columbus
National Giving Alliance
Rescue Mission of Roanoke
Richfield Living
Roanoke Area Ministry
Roanoke Valley Greenway Commission
Ryan’s Case for Smiles
St. Vincent’s Home
Salem Area Ecumenical Ministries
Salem High School Forensics and Debate Team
Salem Museum and Historical Society
Salem/Roanoke County Food Pantry

During the 2014-15 Rotary year the Club assumed a special fundraising challenge by taking the lead in a District 7570 initiative to raise $250,000 for the global eradication of polio.  Rotarians have been fighting to eradicate polio for more than 20 years, and we are near to achieving our goal.  Now is the time to act, to join this historic effort, and to help us cross the finish line.

The End Polio Now
We are this “This Close”.

Bert2 Click image to donate to PolioPlus and help End Polio Now!