The Rotary Club of Salem

2015-2016 District 7570 Awards

Club Award
Club Service – 1st Place
Community Service – 1st Place
District Conference Display – 1st Place
International Service – 2nd Place
Gold Club Award
The Rotary Club of Salem was Recognized for the Financial Support
Given to Rotary International’s “End Polio Now Campaign”
Individual Recognition
Rotary International Foundation – “Distinguished Service Award
June Hall Long
Rotary International Service – “Polio Free World Award
Bill Long
Paul Harris Society – Bob Keely
Paul Harris Society – Mary Keely

2014-2015 District 7570 Awards

Club Award
Community Service – 1st Place
International Service – 1st Place
Best Club Web Site – 1st Place
Youth Activities – 2nd Place
Highest Per Capita PolioPlus Contributions
Highest Total PolioPlus Contributions
Individual Recognition

Area 8 110% Award – Dr. Bertram Spetzler

The Rotary Club of Salem is a civic organization of over 130 active individuals located in the Roanoke Valley of southwest Virginia.  In Rotary International’s organizational structure we are in Zone 33, District 7570, club No. 5775.  Our members include community leaders such as business professionals, non-profit administrators, entrepreneurs, and government officials who share a dedication to the Rotary ideal of Service Above Self.  Our Club is one of the largest in Rotary International District 7570, which stretches from Greenville TN to Winchester VA along Interstate 81.  District 7570 comprises 80+ clubs with over 3,200 members.

Rotary International is a 1.2 million-member service organization consisting of more than 34,000 Rotary clubs in nearly every country in the world. You will find Rotarians volunteering both here at home and abroad to support education and job training, provide clean water, combat hunger, improve health and sanitation, and eradicate polio. The Rotary Club of Salem has served the Roanoke Valley region and Rotary International projects since its founding in 1949.

Our Club organizes and directs two fundraisers – the Old Dominion Athletic Conference Basketball Tournament and Olde Salem Days.  In addition, funds are raised through the Club’s participation in events such as the Star B-Q and through donations by individual members.  Over the past 30 years, the proceeds from our fundraising efforts have enabled the Club to donate more than $1 million to community service programs throughout the Roanoke Valley region and to international service projects.

Through all the programs, projects, avenues of service, leadership development opportunities and family events, Club members report a high level of satisfaction.  They feel good about what they accomplish.  Members are gratified by how use of their skills and talents may improve their community, while gaining a better knowledge and understanding of the people they touch.  The Rotary Club of Salem is able to positively impact lives here and abroad in a way we as individuals are unable to accomplish.  Rotary is, indeed, a sum greater than its parts.

Members are proud of the Club’s record of service and the contributions made to improve the quality of life in our community.  We are always looking for new members who share our desire to help others.  Please peruse our website to see if we do anything that you care about with a passion.  If you are so inclined, please contact us today.