Club Meeting – April 7th, 2015

Tommy Barber 040716Today we held a Club Assembly.  Rather than our normal meeting agenda and program, the Club President uses the meeting to better inform members on certain Club matters. After opening comments by President Tommy three members of the Board of Directors gave brief presentations related to Club activities and administrative actions.

Jim Laub 040716Jim Laub – Chair of Financial Visions provided an overview of the workings of his committee and how it works closely with fundraising and grant giving committees to coordinate the raising and disbursement of monies in our community and the world.   Jim’s committee is at the hub of much of we do as Rotarians.  We shall be updating our Fundraising, Community Service and International Service web pages to reflect Jim’s report.  A pat on the back to the entire Club for their efforts over the last year!


Ray Byrd 040716Ray Byrd, Jr. – President-Nominee broke down the numbers to help us better understand current attendance guidelines. The fact that Ray could make this dry topic instructive as well as enjoyable was no small feat.  Biggest take away is Charlie Thompson and our new attendance tracking software are looking after you, heh!



Ed Heurtematte – Club Communications Officer and Co-Chair of Internet Committee reviewed reasoning behind recently accepted changes to Club By-Laws.  Articles 2 and 10 provide the framework needed to effectively administer and operate our Club.  This is where we start to connect the dots to make a difference in our community and the world.

Ed Heurtematte 040716