Club News – Valley Waterway Clean-up

On October 14 a group of Rotarians from the Salem Club met to volunteer their efforts for the Clean Fall Waterways project. Seventeen Rotarians; several family members; our exchange student, Alvaro Catel; and 5 Interact students and their program sponsor pitched in to clean Rotary Park, located near the intersection of Apperson and Electric Road, along the banks of the Roanoke River. The morning’s activity was a great opportunity for the volunteers to laugh and enjoy the company of Rotary friends. Sharing donuts was a big side benefit.

Jim McAden once again took the prize for the most usual find, a Darth Vader tee shirt. Also recovered in the efforts was a soccer ball, which prompted a teasing of Alvaro about Brazil’s difficulty with the “futbol.”
We extend our thanks to those who came out to get the task accomplished and our park left in great condition.