Club Meeting – April 27th, 2017

Today member Lew Bishop’s better-half Dr. Rita Bishop Superintendent of Roanoke City Public Schools brought us up to date on the progress made in the school system over the last few years.  A telling statistic is the graduation rate which has improved from 59% in 2008 to 87% in 2016.  This impressive performance was produced by a comprehensive plan which included embracing the positive role of music in education.  Dr. Bishop’s program was the last of three presented to the club on the valley’s K-12 public school systems.  

We are fortunate to have such dedicated and skilled administrators overseeing the education of our children. Our gratitude and thanks go to all.  


Dr. Greg N. Killough, Superintendent of Roanoke County Schools

Dr. H. Alan Seibert, Superintendent of Salem City Schools