Club News – Aaron Garber Nominee for D7570 DG 2016-2017

Past President Aaron Garber, Rotary Club of Salem Club (President 2008-2009) was approved as a club-sponsored nominee for District 7570 District Governor for 2016-2017 and the club convened on December 5, 2013 at their regular meeting to approve the Board of Director’s nomination.

The application process begins with the deadline for nominations occurring January 2014  and concludes with the announcement of the successful candidate at the District Conference at The Homestead in March.

The process of selection has been accelerated in order to make the announcement during the gathering of District Rotarians at the District Conference and to be in compliance with common practice of timely announcement among the districts of Zones 33 & 34.

Requirements for District Governor include a successful year as Club President and being a Rotarian in good standing. District Governor is the ONLY officer of Rotary International in a district and is charged with the general leadership and supervision of all clubs within a district in order to ensure continuity.

PP Aaron is currently Assistant Governor-Administration (AG-A) for District 7570 serving by appointment by District Governor Ron Mabry, Rotary Club of Linden.  In his role as AG-A Aaron has responsibility for all group meetings throughout the District except the District Conference, but including all training meetings.  This entails housing, planning, implementation, and on-site monitoring.

The Salem club is proud to sponsor PP Aaron and wishes him well.  No further Rotary group or individual Rotarian activity is permitted under guidelines for selection of District Governor.

Thanks to PDG, PP Joe Ferguson for authoring post.