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In-Person Meetings Postponed

PURSUANT TO GOVERNOR NORTHAM’S ORDER, ROTARY CLUB OF SALEM MEETINGS SHALL BE VIRTUAL UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. Please reference our weekly club members email for details. While this is a set back many of us find discouraging, we must work together as a club and as a society to deal responsibly with the pandemic. Yours in Rotary Service, Jeff

Club Meeting

Salem Civic Center 1001 Roanoke Boulevard, Salem, VA, United States

First of a two part program by Brandon Ayers on the topic of “The American-Israeli Bond: Dissensions, Developments, and Discoveries". 

Club Meeting

Salem Civic Center 1001 Roanoke Boulevard, Salem, VA, United States

The second of a two part program by Brandon Ayers on the topic of “The American-Israeli Bond: Dissensions, Developments, and Discoveries".

Family of Rotary

Salem Red Sox Haley Toyota Field 1008 Texas Street, Salem, VA, United States

A Club Fellowship event is being held at Salem Memorial Ballpark tonight. Club members and friends are welcome to a family fun night, which will also support Rotary's Polio Plus campaign and honor the work June and Bill Long have provided to this globally successful cause.

Our Salem Red Sox vs Lynchburg will start at 7:05PM. Arrive by 6PM to enjoy picnic dinner prior to the first pitch. Please RSVP to participate in an enjoyable summer evening!

Club Meeting

Salem Civic Center 1001 Roanoke Boulevard, Salem, VA, United States

"Salem Museum on a History Hunt” – Fran Ferguson, Executive Director

Club Meeting

Salem Civic Center 1001 Roanoke Boulevard, Salem, VA, United States

"Attendance Committee Awards" – Rick Rosti and Charlie Thompson

Club Meeting

Roanoke College - Creeger Center 287 High Street, Salem, VA, United States

*Please note location change* District 7570 Area 8 meeting with District Governor Tara Ellis

Club Meeting

Salem Civic Center 1001 Roanoke Boulevard, Salem, VA, United States

Director of Instruction and Career Readiness, Salem City Schools, Jamie Soltis...  “Summer Extended Learning Camp and Addressing Unfinished Learning”